Trade Stand Booking Form (RED ZONE) Name and Surname: Address: Postcode: e-Mail: Tel. No.: Description of Your Stock: Vehicle Make / Model / Reg: Payment Method Bacs: A/C Name: White Eagle Group Ltd Sort code: 30-98-97 A/C number: 57102460 Public Liability Insurance or/and Food Hygiene Certificate Upload Public Liability Insurance Upload Food Hygiene Certificate Please Note: Stallholders are solely responsible for their stall and all goods & services they supply. All equipment & gazebos must be fit for purpose and adhere to stipulations set out in our T & Cs. It is a condition of your standing at our events that you/your company conducts its activities in accordance with all relevant health and safety laws at all times. Mark if you agree: I acknowledge and agree to Haddon Events Terms & Conditions Send Kontakt z Nami Wyślij Email Zadzwoń do Nas Tel: +44 (0)7400 787 575 Tel: +44 (0)7842 364 699 Facebook-f